
Managed website hosting

Fast, secure, and carbon neutral 


We host on LiteSpeed servers that provide superior performance for website and content delivery.
Kombinationen af højtydende hosting kombineret med det bedste webdesign i klassen betyder, at dit websted er hurtigt og responsivt på alle enheder. Dette vil igen give en højere placering i søgeresultaterne.

sikre mod

Websteder bliver hele tiden angrebet af hackere. Lupa Hosting prioriterer din hjemmesides sikkerhed højest, og vi sikrer den mod cyberangreb.
We protect your website from the constant threat of cyber attacks. With daily backups, your website and e-mail data is safe and secure.


Technology needs energy to power servers, data centres and devices, which drives greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.
We use certified carbon neutral servers powered by renewable energy to ensure that our customer's online presence is not contributing to climate change.

Kvalitetshosting er en fornuftig investering.


We get it, you invest in a website and think, let’s choose the cheapest option available – after all, once completed, the website just sits there – right?

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. With web hosting, as with many other things in life, you get what you pay for.

  • Your website will be hosted on a (server) computer with hundreds, if not thousands of other websites using the same server resources as your website
  • When those sites receive an influx of traffic, it may adversely affect the load time of your site
  • If those sites are hacked and malware is injected, your site could be a higher risk to be targeted
  • The customer support at cheap web hosts is often automated or outsourced; this means that the staff don’t have a good understanding of your site and its requirements, making troubleshooting difficult, longer and more costly.

Some may be prepared to have a slow site and put up with poor customer service. Not Lupa. We only provide quality hosting as part of our commitment to provide you with a top-class online presence.

  • We ensure your website is fast and responsive on all devices by hosting on high performance LiteSpeed servers.
  • We protect against loss of data through online og offline backups for extra security and peace of mind.
  • We ensure all website elements – whether core elements or plugins – are kept constantly up to date and will troubleshoot any issue arising from software or content updates.
  • We protect against hackers. Hackers are constantly probing for weaknesses in websites. We ensure that your website is locked down with all the necessary security measures as well as securing the login process for managing your content.
  • Our hosting is certified carbon neutral through server infrastructure powered by renewable energy – no carbon off-setting.

Før du bestiller webhosting ...

Vi anbefaler, at du har allerede sikret din domæne inden du bestille webhosting.

Hvordan valger jeg en domæne?

At vælge et godt domænenavn er afgørende for din online identitet. Hvis du tænker fremad, vil det betale sig i forhold til brandgenkendelse og SEO.

Er du i tvivl om, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, når du vælger et domænenavn? Lupa kan rådgive om spørgsmål som